How To Stop Your Hands From Sweating: Unveiling Effective Solutions

How To Stop Your Hands From Sweating: Unveiling Effective Solutions

Excessive hand sweating, known in medical terms as palmar hyperhidrosis, can be an embarrassing and difficult condition to deal with. Sweaty palms can make it challenging to do common tasks like writting, shaking hands, or holding items. Thankfully, there are various methods on how to stop your hands from sweating and the rest of this article will extensively cover it.

Engage In Stress Management

Sweating can be a response to stress or anxiety, thus, keeping control over your mental health can help control sweat production. Techniques such as meditation, yoga, and deep-breathing exercises can be exceptionally helpful in managing stress and, consequently, reducing sweating.

Diet Management

Hot and spicy foods, caffeine, and alcohol can trigger sweating. Thus, avoiding these and ensuring that your diet includes a lot of water and foods with high water content can help manage your sweat levels.

Over-the-counter Treatments

There are several treatments like antiperspirants which you can purchase without a prescription. Antiperspirants work by blocking the sweat glands temporarily, thereby reducing the amount of sweat that reaches your skin’s surface. Apply these to your hands at night before going to bed and wash off in the morning for the best results.

Prescription Treatments

If over-the-counter treatments aren’t effective, a doctor might prescribe a stronger antiperspirant. Another option is a medication that reduces sweat production. Upon consultation and prescription from a medical professional, these options offer efficient results.

Medical Treatments

For some individuals with excessive hand sweating, conventional treatments are not effective. For such individuals, medical procedures like iontophoresis (a treatment where a weak electric current is sent through water into the skin), Botox injections (which temporarily block the nerves that trigger your sweat glands), or surgery (which is mostly last resort and involves cutting or scraping sweat glands, or clamping the spinal nerves that trigger sweating) may be recommended.

The Breakthrough Of New Treatment Procedures

New treatment for excessive sweating has emerged in recent years. One of these is a microwave therapy, such as miraDry. This is a non-invasive treatment that uses microwave energy to eliminate sweat glands permanently. Studies show that this procedure has been successful in significantly reducing sweating without severe side effects. Another new treatment is Qbrexza, a medicated cloth that you wipe on your skin daily to block sweat production.


In conclusion, managing excessive sweating, specifically in the hands, requires an understanding of the causes along with a continuous effort to mitigate those. Whether you opt for homemade remedies, lifestyle changes, medical treatments, or are looking forward to trying new treatment for excessive sweating, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare provider for the best individual advice and guidance.

Remember, every person’s body responds differently to treatments, so what works best for you may not be as effective for someone else. Patience and persistence in finding the most effective solution for you are key in managing this condition successfully.